
First Asian Channel Partner Training in Hangzhou

In the second week of May 2024, our Chinese subsidiary Dr. Foedisch Instruments (Hangzhou) Ltd. hosted the first Asian Channel Partner Training Workshop in Hangzhou. Fanlei Chen, Area Sales Manager Asia and Michael Wagner, Head of Support and Calibration from our German headquarter, greeted 22 participants from 13 partner companies from Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.


The participants got an in-depth look at our complete product lines and solutions, such as the recently QAL 1 certified gas analyser MGA 20, new generation extractive dust monitoring device and high-end hot wet gas analyser MCA 10. Of course, great meals and interesting after work events were also included!


All partners who joined the training expressed their big THANK YOU to our Dr. Födisch German team and China team for the great preparation and successful implementation of an educational and inspiring event!


Mr. Phan Tan Phat from the company Viet An Group (Vietnam) wrote: “I would like to express my gratitude for the informative and valuable technical training session organized by Dr. Födisch. The training provided a comprehensive understanding of the product range and the essential steps for operating, inspecting, maintaining, and repairing the equipment.”


Mr. Christopher Wong from the company Global Green (Malaysia) wrote to us: “Thank you for your wonderful hospitality in Hangzhou during the technical training last week. The training was insightful.”


Ms. Vicky Yu from the company Faxsonde (Taiwan) wrote: “I am writing to express our greatest gratitude for the experiences Arnold and Kider had during the technical training program organized by Dr. Foedisch. The hospitality and professional product knowledge extended to the participants throughout the time with your team were truly appreciated. We are grateful for the opportunity to cooperate with Dr. Foedisch and look forward to continuing this partnership in the future.”


We will organize more training programs in Europe and Asia in the future. Would you like to join our next Channel Partner Training? Contact our sales team today! 


30th May 2024

Successful change of management at the Födisch Group

The Supervisory Board of Dr Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG is very pleased that the succession plan for the founder, long-standing CEO and shareholder Dr Holger Födisch has been successfully completed. At his own request and after many years of preparation, Dr Födisch will relinquish his position as CEO of Födisch AG and Managing Director of the Födisch Group subsidiaries at the end of this year. Stephan Schumann, an experienced manager, has already joined the company in October as the new CEO.

Mr Schumann has come from BOCK GmbH, a technology and innovation leader in the field of refrigeration, air conditioning and heating technology, which he has led to great international success in recent years. As the new CEO, Mr Schumann is now also responsible for further international growth at the Födisch Group and is already working closely with his fellow board member Mathias Jost (CFO).

As founder, namesake, CEO and shareholder, Dr Födisch has successfully built up the company and played a key role in shaping the environmental measurement technology sector in Germany from the very beginning. It was only on this basis that Födisch was able to establish itself as a genuine quality brand, which today, with over 25 distributors in 12 countries, a total of 250 employees and an annual turnover of 50 million euros, is in a better position than ever before. Dr Födisch will remain associated with the company as a shareholder.

Quote from Dr Holger Födisch: "I hope that the Group will continue to develop positively, and I will contribute to this as a shareholder."

Quote from Stephan Schumann: "Over the past few months, I have had the pleasure of getting to know an excellently qualified and highly motivated team. I am therefore all the more excited about the new challenge and look forward to the time ahead, which we will use to lead the company into a continued successful future."

22nd Dec 2023

Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG acquires Dutch distribution partner Multi Instruments Analytical B.V.

After the acquisition of Testa GmbH in December 2021, the Födisch Group is implementing another milestone in its growth strategy. The purchase agreement for the acquisition of Multi Instruments Analytical B.V. was signed this week.

24th Aug 2023


Press release [PDF]

EP Ehrler Prüftechnik Engineering Markranstädt

EP Ehrler Prüftechnik Engineering is part of the Födisch Group. The company is expanding and is now also operating from the headquarter of Dr. Födisch in Markranstädt (Germany). The EP Ehrler team develops customized testing and calibration systems.

07th Jul 2023

International Sales Partner Conference 2023 of Dr. Födisch in Germany

This week we had our International Sales Partner Conference 2023 together with about 36 Sales Partners. The Födisch-Team is glad about two very successful days with product demonstrations, presentation of case studies and workshops as well as guided factory tours including our new manufacturing hall and calibration center.

The Sales-Team thanks all participants for joining the conference. See you again soon e.g. live on CEM 2023 in Barcelona or ACHEMA 2024 in Germany. 

All sales and service partners who could not be there are cordially invited to arrange individual visits or to have the products presented online.

17th Jun 2023

New calibration system for the MCA 10

A calibration system and extensive testing equipment for Dr. Födisch gas analysers of the MCA 10 product series, adapted to the increasing requirements for accuracy and efficiency, was delivered today to the company’s headquarter. The calibration system was developed by the subsidiary EP Ehrler using the latest technologies.

Within the next few days, the calibration system will be installed and put into operation in the new manufacturing hall. The continuous and routine operation for factory calibration of MCA 10 is planned from June at the latest.

27th Apr 2023



The Foedisch team is very pleased to announce that the PFM 20 dust measuring device has received the "MCERTS for stack emissions monitoring equipment at industrial installations" certification with the beginning of the year 2023. 

Certification range:

Dust 0 - 7.5 mg /m³

10th Jan 2023

Download [PDF]


Here you find some of our publications released in English.

Expansion of the Födisch Group

Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG has acquired EP Ehrler Prüftechnik Engineering GmbH as subsidiary.

2nd Aug 2018

EP Ehrler GmbH


ACHEMA 2024 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany 

Visit the world's leading trade show for the process industries and meet us as exhibitor in Hall 11.1, Stand E51

10th-14th June 2024


SMM 2024 in Hamburg (Germany)

This year we are represented at the world’s leading trade fair for the maritime industry - the SMM in Hamburg. Visit us in Hall A1, Stand 512.

3rd-6th Sept 2024

SMM Hamburg

Current research projects

Development of the continuous monitoring of the acid dew point in order to increase the energy efficiency in industrial plants and to protect the climate

The focus of the 18-month project is the development of the continuous acid dew point measurement (methodology and technology). The idea of the research and product development project is based on variety of concrete applications from the chemical, energy and environmental sectors. These sectors have been facing the similar problem for years – namely this means that in combustion plants at a certain exhaust gas temperature, the sulphur oxides react to sulfuric acid which is harmful to the plant in the presence of water vapour. In order to counteract the devastating corrosion process, the exhaust gas temperatures are usually kept well above the acid dew point. The energy expenditure for this is very high, consequently are also the ecological damages considerable. The target is to use appropriate measuring technology to keep the exhaust gas temperature as close as possible above the actual acid dew point, in order to achieve a lower energy input, higher power output and to reduce CO2, SO2 and NOx emissions.

1st Nov 2016

DBU topics

Development of a quick and automatic test system to detect boars smells

Male piglets produce hormones upon their sexual maturity which can initiate a disagreeable boars’ smell. This smell can decrease the sales of boars’ meat in Germany and Europe. Early slaughter and manual odour tests are currently applied. Legal basic conditions aggravate other methods which are used in the early phase of the boars’ growth. From 2019 onwards the piglets’ castration without anaesthesia will be forbidden. Vaccinations shall find a remedy, however these are not the optimal solution with regard to consumer protection. 

In the current R&D project a quick test automatic based on metal oxide sensor technology shall be developed for the application on the slaughter line in order to standardise the judgement of the smell objectively. The project has started on 1st of August 2016 and will be performed in cooperation with the Frankenförder research institute and a company (slaughterhouse) from Thuringia.

Start of microelectronics EU project IoSense

Project IoSense kicked off on 19. May 2016 in Dresden.  28 partners from 7 European countries launched the project "Flexible Sensor pilot line for IoT", in short: IoSense, on the 19th of May 2016 by consortium leader Infineon Dresden. The whole funding volume of the project is 65 million euros. Funding sponsors are the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the Free State of Saxony. Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG hereby profits by the further development of the fine dust sensor FDS 15 to chip level, being so prepared for the future requirements of industry 4.0.

Innovation project

Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG is sponsoring an innovation project.

Feb 2016 to Jan 2019